Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Back in Ottawa – A short break of the Odyssey

Hello again friends.

I am sorry it took me a while to update the blog. I spent the last week in Tortola getting Ruyam II ready for the hurricane season and arranging summer storage with BVI Yacht Charters. I also cleaned and repaired the dinghy and designed and rigged a small awning, hanging by the spare halyard, to be used for shade and shelter at anchorage over the trampoline up front.

The boat will be stripped to bare bones, and in case of a “named” storm reaching the BVI, it will be moved to the Paraquita Bay, a “hurricane-hole” two miles east along the south shore of Tortola, which is one of the places approved by my insurance company for hurricane coverage.

So, I packed my bags and head back to Ottawa on August 1st. It was both a welcomed break from the last several solitude weeks I spent stuck at the marina, and a happy homecoming. Unfortunately (fortunately for her) Nel has already took her retirement and went to Istanbul to spend some time with our daughter Ayse.

Ayse is working as a visiting professor at a Turkish university before she returns to Canada to start her new job at McMaster University in Hamilton in the New Year. They are now at Sedef Adasi, (40”51’02.75N:29”08’39.03E) a small exclusive island in the Marmara Sea, just a few miles off of Istanbul’s Asian coast, not too far from Ayse’s work place, where Nel and her brother jointly own a summer house.

I will join them for the months of September and October before returning to Tortola and have a “vacation”, a break from the Caribbean Odyssey.

In the last weeks of October I will be sailing with my high-school buddies in the south Aegean, along the Turkish coast and the small Greek islands nearby. I have been doing this every year in the last few years and really enjoy the mono-hull sailing in these gorgeous waters, and luckily in a quiet season after the summer rush of local and European sailors.

I will continue my blog during this time with occasional stories of our time in Turkey,